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Every community needs well educated citizens and every student needs to feel a connection to their community. The Diamond Tech is working to build to a wide range of industry partners who generously volunteer their time to mentor, teach, and evaluate our students. Industry partners can give our students many opportunities that most young people don’t have until they enter college or a career. Industry partners are a vital part of our program and can participate by providing internships, mentorships, field trip venues, speaking engagements, curriculum assessment, and much more. See below for a more detailed list of volunteer opportunities.  To find out more about the the many ways you can help our institute please fill out our Industry Partner Volunteer Form.


  • Description: Diamond Tech pairs all 10th and 11th grade students with a mentor volunteer who can guide their personal and career decisions for the future. 10th graders work with mentors in small groups of 3-4 students per one mentor. 11th graders are matched with a mentor one-on-one. Mentors meet with students regularly.
  • Time Commitment: one year of monthly meetings of 1-2 hours, plus e-mail communication and additional activities
  • Volunteers Needed: 8 mentors for 10th grade program and 25 different mentors for 11th grade program
  • Time of Year: September – June. Details: Mentor meetings are organized around pre-set agendas.
  • Details: Mentoring is a big commitment with a huge impact on student success. Mentors discuss such topics as student goals, academic progress, time management, college, career-preparation, resume skills, job opportunities, and more. Mentors also maintain an e-mentoring relationship through business e-mail. For more information on mentoring, including a complete list of activities by month and all materials, please visit our Mentorship Program Page. 
  • Description: Field internships are a unique and valuable experience for our 12th grade students. Community partners are invited to host an intern at their workplace (paid or unpaid) for a minimum of 10 weeks.
  • Time Commitment: 10 weeks, 3-4 days per week for 6-10 hours per week
  • Time of Year: September – May
  • Volunteers Needed: 20 internship providers (in order to place each of our 25 12th graders)
  • Details: Internships are run through the students’ business course; they are are released from their last period to go off campus into a field placement for 6-10 hours per week. Ideally, internships expose students to a field related to our any one of our four career pathways and provide a quality experience where students can explore a variety of jobs and skills. Students work at internships Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday, and Thursday. Supervisors must fill out a request for intern application, attend an orientation, and conduct interviews prior to placements. On site, Internship Supervisors train their interns, provide meaningful work opportunities, and evaluate them throughout the duration of the internship. For more information, please visit our Internship Program Page
  • Get Involved: Please complete our online Industry Partner Volunteer Registration Form.


  • Description: Diamond Tech students often do hands-on projects that utilize community volunteers as project advisors, instructors, and/or fictitious clients. We invite volunteers into the classroom to guide students through special cross-disciplinary projects, and simulations that have real world authenticity.
  • Time Commitment: varies by project
  • Time of Year: throughout the whole year; some projects are annual.
  • Volunteers Needed: unlimited, but a minimum of 10 volunteers throughout the year to fill roles for repeating projects
  • Details: Diamond Tech practices Project-Based Learning, which means we integrate as many real-world, problem-based projects into our curriculum as possible. We see great benefit in bringing industry professionals and volunteers into the classroom on a regular basis to teach students and advise these projects. We partner with organizations like Collaborative Education Advisors to run pre-packaged curricular projects and challenges. We also encourage business partners to come in and do their own creative series of lessons on important topics. Past topics have included: Personal Financial Literacy, Building & Maintaining Good Credit, Entrepreneurship, and Farmbotics. We take a variety of volunteers on this level. Diamond Tech has also written some cross-disciplinary projects for students by grade level that require community volunteers and are done annually.
  • Get Involved: Please complete our online Industry Partner Volunteer Registration Form.
  • Description: Each year, students undergo a variety of different practice job interview experiences as part of our curricular program. Diamond Tech 10th graders do short, group mock interviews and 11th graders do 20-minute one-on-one mock interviews. Diamond Tech 12th graders do extensive video-recorded interviews, while their classmates watch on a live feed, to critique each other and prepare for internships. Volunteers are asked to conduct these interviews on campus.
  • Time Commitment: one to three hours per event
  • Time of Year: September & February
  • Volunteers Needed: 20 -30 mock interviewer volunteers in total
  • Details: Interviews take place at Diamond Tech. Each interviewer volunteer creates a fictitious entry-level job posting with their company. Students view the job postings to decide which “job” to interview for. Students bring a resume and dress as if they are doing a real job interview. Interviewers ask students 4-8 questions, and then assess each student on a form afterward, giving each a score and feedback, and “hiring” the student who gave the best interview. 
  • Get Involved: Please complete our online Industry Partner Volunteer Registration Form.
  • Description: Diamond Tech invites guest speakers into the classroom on a regular basis. In addition to running several themed guest lecture series, speakers are also encouraged to come in and share their own personal stories, lessons, or ideas on new topics.
  • Time Commitment: One to two hours per talk; number of presentations varies according to speaker preference
  • Time of Year: throughout the entire school year
  • Volunteers Needed: unlimited, but 10 different speakers at minimum to cover lectures series topics are ideal.
  • Details: Guest Speakers are welcome to create their own talk around a personal experience or area of expertise, or participate in one of our pre-themed lectures series.
  • Get Involved: Please complete our online Industry Partner Volunteer Registration Form.
  • Description: Diamond Tech students do formal presentations on a regular basis as part of their various class projects and simulations. Our senior boards are the presentation of our students culminating high school experience. We ask community volunteers to come into the classroom to sit on panels and assess student work.
  • Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per project panel
  • Time of Year: throughout the entire school year, but especially at ends of semesters in December and late April.
  • Volunteers Needed: 5-7 volunteers per panel
  • Details: Getting feedback from community and professional volunteers is always more authentic than simply receiving feedback from school personnel. Panelists volunteer to hear anywhere from 8-15 student presentations (on various topics such as project finals, business plan proposals, Senior Boards, and more) and fill out written feedback forms. 
  • Get Involved: Please complete our online Industry Partner Volunteer Registration Form.
  • Description: Diamond Tech loves to extend student learning beyond the classroom. We are constantly on the look out for businesses, organizations, or colleges that would like to provide students with a tour of facilities or sponsor a field trip to another educational or industry-related location.
  • Time Commitment: one day for each field trip (usually 4-5 hours), plus additional planning time
  • Time of Year: any time of year, on a school day
  • Volunteers Needed: varies according to field trip
  • Details: The ideal field trip gets students into a professional environment where they can learn, interact, job shadow, or ask a panel of volunteer questions. It is also ideal if students can take a tour and/or do a variety of activities or hands on workshops. Most field trips, due to district bus limitations, need to be scheduled between the hours of 9am – 2pm. Field Trip Hosts help to locate and/or organize student tours of  their own workplace, a local business or college, or other meaningful community site. Job shadow experiences are especially meaningful. 
  • Get Involved: Please complete our online Industry Partner Volunteer Registration Form.
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Collaboration meetings
Collaboration meetings
A woman giving a presentation
Group of people up on stage
2 people talking at a table
Group of people talking at a table
4 people in a small group discussion